Clinical Pilates 101: Its Benefits and Difference from Regular Pilates

If you're looking to improve your posture, flexibility and core strength, you've probably heard of Pilates. But did you know there is clinical Pilates?

It's an effective option if you have specific treatment needs that result from ailments or physical injuries. So read on and learn about clinical Pilates and how it differs from regular Pilates.

What Is Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is a form of physical therapy focusing on core strength and flexibility. It can be an alternative to traditional treatment or rehabilitation after surgery. The goal is to improve posture, balance, core stability, strength, and flexibility to reduce pain and increase mobility.

In clinical Pilates, you'll typically work with a therapist who will help guide you through exercises that target specific areas in your body.

What Is The Difference Between Clinical Pilates And Pilates?

You might wonder what the difference is between clinical pilates and pilates if both are a system of movements and exercises designed to strengthen one’s body. The answer is the difference in style these two use in the sessions.

●    Pilates

In regular pilates sessions or classes, you get to perform in groups instructed by a gym instructor with their general program in their fitness class. By this, you won’t get assessed to execute a specific program that caters to your needs and conditions as you are set by the group and not individually. Joining these classes might be beneficial for general fitness but could cause you more pain if you have a pre-existing injury by performing the wrong exercises and worsen your body’s condition.

●    Clinical Pilates

In clinical pilates sessions, a physical therapist will work with you individually or in small groups to develop a program that helps you regain strength or manage pain. The therapist will give you exercises that focus on strengthening specific muscle groups and improving coordination between different sets of muscles.

With this style, you get assessed thoroughly by a medical professional such as an Osteopath or Physiotherapist who have undergone proper medical training, so you will be at ease in getting all the necessary procedures that will benefit you the most.

Benefits Of Clinical Pilates

Clinical pilates is a specialised form of the traditional pilates method. It is designed for people with a physical injury or medical concern who may need to modify some movements or use equipment to get the best results.

This therapy method teaches you how to work with your body and not against it, allowing you to improve your posture, strength and flexibility, core stability, balance and alignment.

●     Improves breathing control that also improves lung capacity

●     Heightens fitness balance and balance

●     Boost muscular management and coordination

●     Improved posture and strong core muscles

●     Prevents injury during a session

●     Flexibility and muscular strength increased

●     Regular movement restored

●     Rehabilitates injury and lessens chronic pains

●     Have pre and post-natal exercises for pregnant women

Does Clinical Pilates Help With Back Pain?

If you have back pain, you're not alone. Nearly 80% of adults experience back pain at some point. And it's no wonder—the human spine is a complicated structure that has to support all the weight we put on it throughout our lives.

The good news is that there are plenty of ways to alleviate back pain and prevent its recurrence: stretching, strength training, and staying active are all critical factors in keeping your spine healthy and strong.

But what if you've already tried those things—and they haven't worked? Or worse—what if they made the pain worse? In that case, it may be time to consider clinical pilates for back pain.

The main reason clinical pilates helps with back pain is that it focuses on strengthening the muscles around your spine and your glutes, lower back, and abdominal muscles.

When these muscles are strong and flexible, they can help support your spine and ensure it stays properly aligned. This treatment not only prevents injuries but also helps alleviate the symptoms associated with chronic back pain.

Is Clinical Pilates Safe During Pregnancy?

The answer to the question, "Is clinical pilates safe during pregnancy?" is a bit of a mixed bag. At first, you might think that it would be a no-brainer: after all, pilates focuses on strengthening and stretching the muscles, which is what you need to do during pregnancy!

But you should talk with your doctor first! If you have health conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes requiring extra care during pregnancy, then speak with your doctor before starting any fitness routine. Your doctor will also be able to recommend exercises that are safe for pregnant women who have specific medical conditions like heart problems or anaemia.

The key to a safe pregnancy exercise program is to choose safe and practical exercises, and clinical pilates is perfect.

It's safe because it focuses on core strengthening and flexibility, essential for maintaining good posture and helping you stay mobile during pregnancy. It's effective because it targets the muscles that support your spine and pelvis, which can weaken due to carrying extra weight.

Conditions Clinical Pilates Can Help With

There are many conditions that clinical pilates can help you with. It is a type of exercise that can help to improve your quality of life, whether you have chronic pain or are trying to overcome an injury. Here are some of the common conditions it is used to treat:

●    Chronic pains

●    Back, neck, and shoulder stiffness and pain

●    Hip or pelvic pains

●    Post-orthopaedic surgery

●    Pelvic floor retraining

●    Issues from postural and flexibility

●    For athletes to improve their techniques

●    Bettering of pre and post-natal condition

●    General conditioning, fitness, and toning

Clinical Pilates Can Improve Your Overall Health

Clinical Pilates is a great way to improve your physical health, balance, and flexibility as it focuses on improving core stability, posture, and the body's range of motion, strength, and endurance.

It combines the principles of traditional pilates with modern anatomy and movement science. Clinical pilates uses equipment to help make the exercises easier for people with injuries or limited mobility. It also uses equipment that helps to make the exercises harder for more fit people.

If you’re struggling with issues of body pain or injuries, Doctors of Osteo offers clinical pilates in Hawthorn East that can help you!

Contact us today at 0403 266 876 or email us at to book your session!

Providing healthcare with our osteopaths near me in Hawthorn, Hawthorn East, Kew, Balwyn, Canterbury, Camberwell, Camberwell East, Richmond, Malvern and Glen Iris.


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